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End of life care


Running on the third Thursday of every month from 12:30 to 13:30.

Welcome to the East of England’s safeguarding Training Thursday recourses page. This is designed to provide a range of learning and informative sessions which will be delivered monthly in collaboration with our partners across the East region.
Date Topic Speaker Brief Links
23-01-2025 LPA Andy ToveyEverything you wanted to know about LPAs but were too afraid to ask: slides and Q&A (This session was not recorded).…Download Power Point Download PDF
16-01-2025 Transitional Safeguarding and Neglect Becca Cooke - Deputy Designated Nurse for Safeguarding People C&P ICB & Claire Pengelley-Scott - North Bristol NHS TrustTransitional Safeguarding and understanding the impact of Neglect for Young People…Watch VideoDownload Power Point
19-12-2024 Domestic Abuse Risk Intersection - Jen talks about her Research Journey Dr Jen SarsbyThe Intersection of Domestic Abuse Risk Within Healthcare Settings. 1.3 million employed in the NHS- 77% are women, 350,104 are nurses and health visitors. Less that 40% received safeguarding and domestic abuse training as trainee practitioner. …Watch VideoDownload Power Point
21-11-2024 Is routine screening for child neglect the way forward? Catherine McArevey - NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex ICBFocus on what neglect is within the context of safeguarding children and explore identification tools. Develop an understanding of the practice challenges responding to neglect. Develop further understanding of how to recognise and respond to …Watch VideoDownload Power Point
17-10-2024 Learn more about how DWP provide additional support for customers at serious risk of harm, neglect, or abuse through our network of frontline operational colleagues and Advanced Customer Support Senior Leaders (ACSSL). Lisa Barraclough - Department of Work and Pensions.Our approach includes: • Getting it right first time • Listening, Learning, and Improving • Identifying and providing targeted help to those with serious immediate needs • Embedding a multi-agency approach to ensure that customers get …Watch VideoDownload Power Point Download PDF
19-09-2024 Community Deprivations of Liberty (DoL) Orders The Sussex ICB DoLS teamHear first-hand how the Sussex ICB DoLS team successfully set up their processes for managing Deprivations of Liberty that require a Court order …Watch VideoDownload Power Point Download PDF
15-08-2024 Fighting Online Child Sexual Exploitation - A Case Study DS Lee Bennett - West Midlands PoliceHear from DS Bennett's extensive first hand experiences of fighting online child sexual exploitation.…Watch Video
19-07-2024 Training Thursday Programme July - December 2024 Find the dates, topics, speakers and joining links to all of our forthcoming Training Thursdays for the remainder of 2024.…Download Power Point Download PDF
20-06-2024 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Decisions and the Mental Capacity Act: Key Issues and Controversies Caroline Barry, Dr Karen Chumbley & Zoe FritzThe 1-hour session includes: • clinical perspectives on resuscitation decision making, • the legal frameworks for CPR recommendations and • ethical and policy dilemmas in DNA(CPR) recommendations, • including the results of a survey and …Watch VideoDownload Power Point
16-05-2024 Implementing the Serious Violence Duty: A collaboration between health, the local authority, and education to reduce youth violence within Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Rebecca Cooke, Victoria Gadd & Paul NelsonViolence is a public health issue as it is a major cause of ill-health, poor well-being and is strongly linked to inequalities. In 2018, the government published its Serious Violence Strategy to tackle the escalation of knife crime, gun crime and …Watch VideoDownload PDF
18-04-2024 Deciphering Decisions: MCA Revisited Chelle Farnan & Kate BrollyDeciphering Decisions: MCA Revisited This training will be delivered to you by Chelle Farnan – NHSE EoE Clinical Lead Safeguarding and Kate Brolly MCA Lead Practitioner at Norfolk & Waveney ICB. This session takes an in depth look at the 6 …Watch VideoDownload PDF
21-03-2024 The Prevention Programme: "Recognising the signs of Exploitation and Preventing Exploitation" Carla Quilter Session Overview: We are looking forward to sharing with you a learning session on Preventing and Disrupting Child Exploitation As part of this hour session our aim will be to increase your understanding of child exploitation as well as informing …Watch Video
15-02-2024 Why Safer Internet Day Isn’t Working Professor Andy Phippen - Bournemouth University In this session Professor Andy Phippen will explore contemporary issues around online safety, such as Safer Internet Day and the Online Safety Act, both of which are proposed to be solutions to online harms issues, and argue for a more holistic, …Watch Video
18-01-2024 East of England RECONNECT Safeguarding Case Study Emma-Charlotte Giles - Health & Justice Commissioning Officer (Projects) NHS England – East of EnglandRECONNECT is a care after custody service that seeks to improve the continuity of health care of vulnerable people leaving prison. What is RECONNECT? • Supports prison leavers with healthcare needs who are unlikely to engage on their own.…Watch Video
21-12-2023 Safeguarding at Christmas Chelle Farnan - NHSE East of England Safeguarding Clinical Lead
16-11-2023 Working with a Hidden Disability Sharon Tong and Lisa Browne (NHSE EoE DAWN) Watch VideoDownload Power Point Download PDF
19-10-2023 Modern Slavery Bonita Sparkes and Michelle Mulvaney (West Hertfordshire Hospital)Watch Video
21-09-2023 PREVENT DI Paul HarrisPREVENT…Watch Video
17-08-2023 Reflecting on Approaches to Tackling Online Harms Professor Andy Phippen - Bournemouth University In this session Prof Phippen will reflect upon the current rhetoric around online harms and the political cycle of prohibitive approaches, with a focus almost entirely on a single stakeholder. He will look back at previous attempts to tackle online …Watch Video
20-07-2023 Trading Standards – Working to combat Scams, Doorstep Crime and Fraud Stephen Maunder, Communities Officer Trading Standards Service-Community & Environmental Services (Norfolk) Being scammed, targeted by fraud or falling victim to a doorstep crime can have a devastating impact on anyone but when this happens to the most vulnerable within our communities the effects can go much further. How can we look to take a stand …Watch Video
15-06-2023 Recognising and Supporting Carers in the Community Andy McGowan ,Rachel Garton, and Jodie DeardsAndy McGowan - Policy and Practice Manager (Young Carers and Young Adult Carers), Carers Trust; Public affairs and policy advisor , Our Time. Andy is Carers Trust’s lead on policy in relation to young carers and young adult carers and leads on Our…Watch Video
18-05-2023 Three Babies Learning Event Webinar – Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership Anthony Douglas – Independent Chair Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership, Maureen Ruscoe-Golson, Ali Hassey, Cindie Dunkling and Tracy Murphy To keep Children and Adult and Professionals and everyone safe. The Suffolk Safeguarding Partnerships carried out a Thematic Review Learning of the short lives of two of the babies concerned and their families and understand better the risk to pre …Watch Video
20-04-2023 Child Exploitation Alexia Powell - Eastern Region Prevention Officer from The Children's Society Watch Video
23-03-2023 The TRiM Model of support for staff following potentially traumatic events Kayleigh Darling – Trauma Risk Manager at Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation TrustAn introduction to a NICE accredited model of support for staff following a potentially traumatic event. The session will share information on what TRiM is, it’s use and availability in Norfolk and Waveney Primary Care and further signposting for …Watch VideoDownload Power Point Download PDFAdditional Download
23-02-2023 Hearing the voice of people with a learning disability and autism and creating change across the East of England Geraldine Rodgers, Andrea Clark – Ace Anglia, Sharna Raine – Autism Bedfordshire, Dr Nandini Mukhopadhadyay - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough LD IAPT Pilot, Andrew O’Connell and Melissa Goodall - Norfolk & Waveney, Gina Manning – BLMK, Nikki Betts – Ace Anglia , Claire Turner – MSE, Hilary Gardner – Hertfordshire.People with a Learning Disability and Autistic people are recognised as often having poorer health outcomes than the general population. This session will provide a valuable update from our Regional partners, ACE Anglia and Autism Bedfordshire, who …Watch VideoDownload Power Point Download PDFAdditional Download
16-02-2023 Shared Learning Around Improving Care Pathways for Epilepsy for people with Learning Disabilities Prof Rohit Shankar (Professor of Neuropsychiatry - University of Plymouth and Consultant in Adult Developmental Neuropsychiatry – CFT), Tom Shillito (Health Improvement & Research Manager for Epilepsy Action) and Hafsha Ali (Managing Consultant Learning Disability Programme NHS Midlands)Research has shown that at least 22% of the people with a learning disability also have epilepsy. In the East of England, we are keen to ensure care pathways are effective. In the midlands they have already been working on quality of epilepsy care …Download Power Point Additional DownloadAdditional Download
26-01-2023 SEND in the East of England - Children and Families Act SEND Health Focused Tribunal Deborah Jeramiah— Bevan BrittanNHS England East of England are delighted to offer bespoke health tribunal training to ICB and provider professionals who work within the SEND agenda. Following discussions and requests from our health colleagues the training will cover;
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