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Bonus Sessions
Learning from children’s deaths - CDOP Event
MCA & LPS - Virtual Event
NHS Safeguarding Conference 2023
NHS Safeguarding Learning Weeks - Virtual Event
Training Thursday 2022
Three Babies Learning Event Webinar – Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership
Anthony Douglas – Independent Chair Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership, Maureen Ruscoe-Golson, Ali Hassey, Cindie Dunkling and Tracy Murphy
To keep Children and Adult and Professionals and everyone safe. The Suffolk Safeguarding Partnerships carried out a Thematic Review Learning of the
Losing a child to suicide
Fiona Tuomey – Bereaved By Suicide service (BBS), Catherine Williams
Neonatal deaths
Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB), Elaine Hide – Bob McGurrell, Chief Executive, and founder of the charity 4Louis
Children with disabilities
Nicky Brown, bereaved parent – Luke Clements, Professor of Law and Social Justice at the School of Law, Leeds University
Talking about the death of child
Reverend Linda Peall, Head of Chaplaincy ESNEFT – Sarah Price and Julie Baerwolf- Nicky’s Way
Mental Capacity Act and Liberty Protection Safeguards
Experienced barrister, writer and educator Alex Ruck Keene (39 Essex Chambers) whose practice focuses on mental capacity and mental health law Dr Elisabeth Alton, Named Doctor for Safeguarding and Adult Safeguarding, Honorary Lecturer Hull York Medical School
Introduction from Geraldine Rodgers and Multiagency Pre-birth Safeguarding: Considerations for best practice
Nicola Nelson
Week 1, Session 1
Reconsidering CT head scans in suspected physical abuse. Research presentations
Dr. Helen Daly, Dr. Alison Kemp and Dr. Emilia Wawrzkowicz
Week 1, Session 2
Safeguarding Children; The role of a Community Perinatal Team
Linzi Barnes
Week 1, Session 3
The experience of safeguarding from a patient’s perspective through a midwife's eyes
Toni Doherty
Week 1, Session 4
Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme
Dr Emily Handley-Cole
Week 1, Session 6
Vulnerability - Transitional Safeguarding: towards a fluid response for adolescents and young adults
Dez Holmes
Week 1, Session 7
Older People and Domestic Abuse – it’s not always Adult Safeguarding
Amanda Warburton
Week 1, Session 8
Julie Hall introduces the lived experience of Trauma Informed Care
Julie Hall
Week 1, Session 10
A welcome from Vicky Washington and Confidence building in sharing information - a legal view (Session 1)
Eve Piffaretti
Week 2, Session 1
A welcome from Vicky Washington and Confidence building in sharing information - a legal view (Session 2)
Eve Piffaretti
Week 2, Session 2
Extremism....a mothers experience and the impact on families - Nicola Benyahia and Conclusion of learning weeks by Anneliese Hillyer
Week 2, Session 7
Cyber Crime
Stephanie Frankish, Hayley Whitbread
Cyber Protect and Cyber Choices input The first half of the input will be on Cyber Protect which will give you a better understanding of how to
Allyship and engagement - Diverse Communities
Stella Frangleton - Diverse community’s co-ordinator for Suffolk Police
A discussion of how individuals and organisations can be better allies with a mind to creating better engagement and outreach with diverse individuals
SEND and Safeguarding – Bridging the Gap
Louise Warren – SEND Manager – East of England – NHS England
SEND - An exploratory session focusing the Children and Families Act and SEND Code of Practice and the interdependence with safeguarding needs and
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